MVC2 FightCade Ratio Online Tournament #1 2/26/23 4pm EST


Marvel vs. Capcom 2

Prize Pool

Prize Pool


Entry Fee

Entry Fee


Start Time

Tournament Starts

Tournament Format


Double elimination




Number of participants

Registered Participants

8 Participants

Players per Team

Players per Team

1 Players

Prize Places

1st - $0 (60%)
2nd - $0 (30%)
3rd - $0 (10%)

Tournament Organizer

Join Tournament Discord


Tournament Rules

7 points per team:

Sentinel is banned

5 points: Cable, Iron Man, Magneto, Storm.

4 points: Blackheart, Cammy, Captain Commando, Cyclops, Doctor Doom, Psylocke, Spiral, Strider, Tron Bonne, War Machine.

3 points: Colossus, Dhalsim, Guile, Hulk, Juggernaut, Ken, Mega Man, Omega Red, Rogue, Ruby Heart, Sakura, Silver Samurai, Spider-Man.

2 points: Anakaris, B.B. Hood, Captain America, Charlie, Gambit, Iceman, Jill, Jin, M. Bison, Morrigan, Sabretooth, SonSon, Thanos, Zangief.

1 point: Akuma, Amingo, Felicia, Hayato, Marrow, Ryu, Shuma-Gorath, Venom, and both Wolverine variants.

0 points: Chun-Li, Dan, Roll, and Servbot.